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............SCRATCH THAT......

...........SCRATCH THAT.........!!!

I would’ve told you don’t grow up it’s a trap but SCRATCH THAT,

I mean there are good days and nights to cherish your whole life,

There are days to feel God’s greatness and there are days to get wasted I mean SCRATCH THAT.

There are people who will surprise you I mean the world has a lot kiddo,

There are teachers you won’t understand until you grow up,

And trust me in the present they sound like crap..oooppsss SCRATCH THAT.

Honey there are friends who will give you funny names, you will hate the most but love in the end,

There are matches to cheer to at the top of your lungs and may be to attend,

Honey there are tall guys and a crush who will crush back well SCRATCH THAT.

There are days to prosper to get the attention to feel like the world is your red carpet,

Dress up good on these days you will still feel good after years,

You can also keep record of some cute guys/girls.. You know they light up your face when you well SCRATCH THAT

There’s the world of exams but there’s the last day of exams, make the most of it,

There are people who will give you scriptures listen and try but it is not the LAW,

Kiddo there are struggles to pick make sure you have a side and I won’t scratch this one.

Listen there is good food and the whole world to explore,

There is this too good to exist typa being we call it MOTHER,

Also There are parties and some “mixed up events late nights” you don’t want to miss those..aaah SCRATCH THAT

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